
Steve Grunwell


Steve Grunwell is a Senior Web Engineer and Project Lead at 10up, a World-class web design + development consultancy. Specializing in WordPress and application development he has worked with brands and organizations including TED, Microsoft, Xylem, Elmer’s, and Experience Columbus.

My Sessions

Understanding WordPress Actions and Filters


The Plugin API enables plugin and theme developers to hook into WordPress and run at a specific time, but to those new to the platform it can be a lot to wrap their heads around. This presentation is designed for WordPress developers–both new and old–who are ready to do things “The WordPress Way.” Topics include […]

Beginner Short Talk WordPress

Up to my Eyeballs in Technical Debt!

Ash Grove A

Every decision we make in our projects has the potential to increase or reduce technical debt. While the only way to completely eliminate the debt is to never write any code, there are steps that we as engineers, project managers, and project stakeholders can take to mitigate our risk. This talk covers the concept of […]
